It’s hard to always get on time with a bajillion things happening .
But I can offer you time management techniques so you’re never late again.
Also, you'll grab 14 Days to raised Time Management, which is my free download for recuperating at time management in 14 days.
First, let’s mention why you would like to get on time…
WHY you would like TO get on TIME
When you say you'll be somewhere at a particular time, you're making a commitment thereto person.
When you are late, you're telling that person who you don’t do what you say you'll do. this is often a mirrored image on your integrity.
Being on time shows that you simply are a person or your word.
Being on time isn’t about you. it's about the one that you're meeting. once you are late, you're saying you don’t respect that other person’s time. If nothing else, you're saying that you simply respect some time quite their time.
Over time, whether you know it or not, being late strains your relationships (whether that’s professionally, personally, or both).
The bottom line is it’s pretty important to get on time. Of course, i'm talking about usually and usually . Certainly, there are emergencies (real emergencies like you’re within the hospital or got into car accident) where you can't get on time. But the emergencies are the rare exception, not the rule. “Traffic was horrible” isn’t getting to cut it if you're late.
Now, let’s get to the great stuff. Let’s mention time management techniques that teach you ways to get on time.
HOW TO get on TIME
Follow this six-step process to manage some time so you’re never late again. This process are some things I learned from the book the last word Sales Machine by Chet Holmes (you never know what you’re getting to learn in books these days!).
Step 1. Don’t look until you’re ready
The first step is to not check out anything until you’re able to work thereon . Meaning, don’t glance at emails, start projects, or dabble in something you don’t have time for.
Only start something once you have time to figure thereon . this may enhance your concentration and permit you to be simpler . Practice this ruthlessly.
2. Make lists of belongings you got to get done
Make lists (in order of priority) of belongings you got to get done on a daily basis. this enables you to be proactive rather than reactive. If you’re proactive, you’re getting to be ready to accomplish your goals and whatever else you set your mind to. If you’re reactive, you’ll be performing on what somebody else has in mind.
I do that by using the Productivity Planner (it’s specifically made for organizing your tasks supported the very best priority first).
Lists assist you accomplish your goals and achieve high productivity. (Be weary of making massive lists, though — you would like to be ready to accomplish most things on your list!)
3. Plan what proportion time you’ll spend on each item on your list
Next to every item on your list, write down the quantity of your time you propose to spend thereon task. for instance , if you've got “Write an article” on your list, next thereto put how long it'll fancy write (e.g.: “2 hours”).
In the Productivity Planner, there are specific spots that I fill in to acknowledge the time it’s getting to take. If your’e employing a different system or simply a notepad or calendar, confirm you acknowledge the precise amount of your time you’re getting to spend on a task.
Putting time frames next to every item will enable you to be realistic about your list and assist you optimize how you spend some time .
4. Plan out your day on your calendar
Every night, plan what the subsequent day will appear as if , right down to the minute.
I do that regularly at the start of each week and it works wonders. It enables me to be proactive rather than reactive. i do know what i want to try to to that day, so I even have increased focus.
Time slots for tasks on your list are critical. They’re where the magic’s at!
5. Prioritize your list
When making your list for the day and scheduling it, put your top priorities first (early within the day). this may confirm that what’s most vital actually gets done. Not only that, but you’ll feel specialized about accomplishing what’s most vital to you.
You can use this free PDF to ascertain how the Productivity Planner works with prioritizing your tasks (it’s a game changer).
6. Purge the maximum amount as possible
Purge anything you’re not crazy with or not using. this is often a minimalist/essentialist tactic. What does this need to do with time management? Well, it’s amazing the sort of clarity you’ll have in your life once you follow this step. it'll enable you to accomplish more, quicker. and thus , you’ll be far more efficient together with your time.
Being on time is straightforward for a few people and really hard for people . no matter what camp you’re in, practice prioritizing being on time. If you don’t, you’ll sacrifice your own integrity and tarnish your relationships. I learned the six steps above from the last word Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, but they’re tactics I’ve been using successfully for years.
Good time management allows you to steer a proactive life that you simply love rather than a reactionary, busy, average one.

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